영어성경공부 1과

영어성경공부 1과

유시온 0
Matthew 5:13~16 [NIV]

1. verse 13.
1) If salt loses its taste, can it be made salty again?
2) What do you do with salt that has lost its taste?

salt – noun / salty – adj / saltiness – noun
Discuss the four tastes – sweet, sour, salt, bitter

2. verse 14.
1) Can you hide a city that is built on a hill?
2) What will you see in the daytime?
3) What will you see at night?

Discuss – cities on a hill – like Jerusalem
low lying cities like New Orleans, - Adelaide

3. verse 15~16.
1) Where do people put a lamp if they want to light a room?
2) What is the light that we must shine to help other men to see Jesus?

Discuss – the lighting before electricity. How light a lamp? Where place a lamp?

- prayer

Day by day, dear Lord, of You three things I pray;
To see You more clearly,
To love You more dearly,
To follow You more nearly,
Day by day.
